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ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ! АРХИВ газеты Школьная страна

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The right to keep history of the people for the future generations is given youth.


The right to keep history of the people for the future generations is given youth. Российская газета "Школьная страна" +7(846)9517381

Each corner of our multinational, immense planet, stores the cultural, spiritual and national features. Each city, settlement, village have inherited the peculiar features of history and culture which form in the person interest and attachment to native land, his patriotic feelings, historical consciousness, social activity.

Possibility to receive and develop various practical skills of self-organizing and self-management, public activity and discipline will be presented to young men.
The youth can master skills of research activity. To strengthen comprehension of the importance of national, spiritual and cultural property of the people which have been saved up by the previous generations, to strengthen respect for traditions, culture, history of other people.

Without own history the people, don't have future.
The right to keep history of the people for the future generations is given youth.



#1 Hi peoples!

.It's good!


Школьная страна

Школьная страна Российская газета официальный сайт
Школьная страна -

Российская газета для школьников, учителей и родителей.

Тираж печатного варианта - 10 000 экземпляров.

Формат А3, 4 полосы полноцветные,
4 - черно-белые.

Распространяется бесплатно:
администрации регионов,
министерства образования, культуры регионов,
Федеральные органы власти,
индивидуальные подписчики и предприятия.